We know diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects howbody turns food into energy. It results in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose) and if remained uncontrolled, it creates havoc in one’s life.
Prediabetes is a stage before diabetes where blood sugars are higher than it should be but not enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. A borderline case – as we call it in India. Research shows that almost every type 2 diabetic person had Prediabetes before being diagnosed for diabetes.
One shouldn’t befooled by the word “Pre”. Prediabetes is also aserious health condition. It puts you at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, stroke etc. The dangerous part of Prediabetic condition is that it is mostly symptomless.
According to a Lancet study of 2021, there are 13.6 crore prediabetic people, a figure that is even more staggering than diabetic population of 10.1 crore in India or we can say one in every five healthy individuals isprediabetic.
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Whistleblowers for Prediabetics
As already discussed, prediabetes doesn’t usually have signs and can be symptomless. However, people with certain health and lifestyle conditions need to look out for symptoms like:
- Being overweight/obese
- Having a large waist size
For men > 40”
For women > 35”
- Being 45 years or older
- Having a parent or sibling with type 2 Diabetes
- Being physically inactive (not exercising for atleast 3 days a week)
- History of gestational diabetes (Diabetes during pregnancy) or giving birth to a baby who weighed more than 4.3kg
- History of PCOS
- Sleep problem, work in changing shifts or night shifts
- History of heart disease
- Some unusual symptoms that go unnoticed like darkened areas of skin, trouble concentrating and more fatigue or hunger than usual, frequent urination
All these symptoms predict insulin resistance (starting point to most in type 2 diabetes).Insulin is produced by a gland located behind the stomach called the pancreas. Pancreas sends insulin to your blood when you eat. When your blood sugar level starts to drop, the pancreas slows down the secretion of insulin into the blood.When you have prediabetes, this process doesn't work as well. As a result, instead of fueling your cells, sugar builds up in your bloodstream. This can happen because:
- Pancreas may not make enough insulin
- Cells become resistant to insulin and don't allow as much sugar in
Whatever be the reason, it leads to higher-than-normal sugar levels in the blood, thus, graduating a person to type-2 diabetes.
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Why take Prediabetes Seriously?
Prediabetes has been linked with long-term damage to heart, blood vessels and kidneys, even if doesn’t progress to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is also linked to unrecognized (silent) heart attacks.Prediabetes, if remained uncontrolled or left untreated can become Type 2 Diabetes or cause other serious problems including:
- Kidney disease
- Blindness
- High BP
- Nerve problems (Neuropathy)
- Loss of limb
Prediabetes can lead to one or all above serious complications even before converting to Diabetes. For example: 8-12% of diabetic blindness (retinopathy) patients sufferedfrom prediabetes. Retinopathy, a disease of the retina begins in the early stages of prediabetes.
Recent studies have shown that patients with prediabetes can suffer from coronary artery disease and diastolic heart failure even before progressing to overt diabetes.People with prediabetes have higher risk of heart disease and stroke also.
PreDiabetes = Prevent
With few lifestyle changes, regular health check-ups and being aware of what’s going insideone’s body,one can dodge unexpected complications. These conditions can be delayed and even prevented. Some simple lifestyle changes that can alter the path for prediabetes are:
1. 1. Losing weight as low as 2-5% lowers risk of type 2 diabetes
2. 2. Regular physical activity like 30 minutes of regular exercise or even brisk walking helps
3. 3. Managing stress, anxiety and staying motivatedslows the progress of converting prediabetes to type-2 diabetes
4. 4. Fasting once weekly (being on water for a day)
5. 5. Controlling blood pressure and cholesterol
6. 6. Giving up smoking
7. 7. Make Lifetree Diabesity Care a part of your life. Taking Lifetree Diabesity Care capsules regularly in prediabetic condition will help beat unwanted food cravings, increase energy, help in weight loss, support internal system keeping one healthy at cellular level. And don’t worry about low blood glucose levels because Lifetree Diabesity Care works naturally to maintain blood glucose levels.
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