Positive Thinking – An important ingredient to manage Diabetes!

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a challenging disease to manage, but it’s not impossible. In addition to making some lifestyle changes, dietary changes, adding exercise, adding supplements like Lifetree Diabesity Care capsules to one’s routine, there are other ways also to keep diabetes in check. The power of mind is a potent weapon in the fight against diabetes and improve health outcomes.

In one’s endeavor to manage diabetes, it is worth understanding the connection between mind and body. What can be the impact of stress and negative thoughts on glucose levels? How can power of positive thinking help in managing diabetes? Are there any simple and practical strategies to manage diabetes with the help of positive thinking?

Diabetes management requires a combination of medication, diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. But research has also shown that the mind can play a crucial role in diabetes management. The connection between the mind and body is remarkable and plays a vital role in one’s healing process. Our feelings, whether positive or negative, stress, anxiety, emotions have significant impact on how body deals with illnesses. This is so because it directly effects glucose levels. So, if you manage your thoughts and stay positive, you can get astonishing transformative results.

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For people with diabetes and obesity, stress can lead to a surge in blood sugar levels. Stress is a silent killer as it releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can cause a surge in your blood sugar levels by signalling the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream, thus increasing blood sugar level. Moreover, chronic stress contributes to insulin resistance. Insulin is the chemical that keeps your blood sugar levels in check.

Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts make it more challenging to control diabetes. Pessimistic mindset and emotions can also affect glucose levels. Our body releases stress hormones when we experience anger, frustration, or anxiety. As mentioned above, this can cause blood sugar levels to rise making it a vicious cycle to overcome.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Several studies have proved that people with a positive outlook and optimistic mind set are more likely to win over diabetes. They feel motivated to adhere to a healthy diet, exercise and take medication as prescribed along with supplements like Lifetree Diabesity Care that act as a catalyst in controlling diabetes. Positive thinking also helps reduce stress levels. This improves overall well-being leading to a happy mind and life.

We understand this approach is easier said than done. But with little practice and conscious efforts, one can make positive thinking a way of life!


Mindfulness, in simple terms mean being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and emotions. Being fully aware of the moment not only allows you to cherish that time but also lets you fully concentrate and give your 100% to it. Meditation can help make one more aware of his/her surroundings. Simple mindfulness practices can reduce stress levels. Once stress levels go down, glucose control improves. And once glucose levels are in control,diabetes will be in control.

Yoga and Pranayam

Relaxation techniques like slow and deep breathing, muscle relaxation methods, practicing yoga asanas and pranayamare other effective ways to mitigate stress and improve diabetes management. These techniques help relax mind, reduce muscle tension, reduce heart rate and bring balance between body, mind and soul. When the body is relaxed, mind is at peace leading to fewer stress hormones like cortisol.

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Therapy/ Counselling

Sometimes, speaking to a therapist can help people change their negative thoughts and behaviours. It is primarily used to treat symptoms like depression and anxiety but can also help in effectively managing diabetes. Pouring your heart out to a professional help to recognize negative patterns of thinking. It can help people develop coping strategies to deal with stress. Negative mindset can be replaced with more constructive and cheerful mindset over time.

Bottom line

Diabetes Management takes more than just taking medications, following a nutritious diet, and exercising. It also involves controlling stress, feelings, and thoughts. Because the mind and body are intertwined, taking care of one can benefit the other. Diabetic patients can have a positive outlook by implementing the above measures. An optimistic outlook can result in better glucose regulation and less stress leading to a happy and fulfilling life.


Control Diabetes naturally with Ayurvedic herbs-based Lifetree Diabesity Care capsules

These supplements contain 13 natural fibre rich herbs that are 100% pureandcome with a Vijaysar wooden tumbler. The capsule is taken with water soaked in this tumbler for 6-8 hrs. The soaked water in Vijaysar wooden tumbler aids in improving insulin levels in the body.Thus, helping you manage diabetes and giving you a gift of happy living.

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